Monday, 29 July 2013


When coffee failed its task:
To wake me up when I ask,
Next I did was try to heal
The injustice through appeal;
I went to those more powerful,
And  first in line was Redbull.
I made efforts to make my case
And asked for same in return,
Promises of all color
Redbull made, it sounded fun.
I kept waiting, earth-bound
All promised were but sly,
What, after all, paid was money,
And all I wanted to now was fly.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

I don't care

I don't care if the stars collide
And the heavens fall from the sky,
I shall not worry if the earth trembles,
And the oceans run wild or dry.
If people judge, I shall not care,
If neighbors hate me I won't spite,
If my legs are pulled so down I fall,
I shall neither pull back nor fight.
I don't care if I bid not so well
In impressing the common eye,
Or if frowned upon by hypocrites
I won't blush in shame nor cry.
Rich or poor in paper money
In greed-infested world of fear,
I shall not succumb to worries of morn,
I am alive, now and here.
I don't care but make my life 
A cosmic mission of no long a stay,
Moment by moment savored in love
All lived in full, night and day.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Begging, à la mode

All-bodied people in files,
Sending off fake smiles;
Asking me if I care,
To give them money to spare;
Caught off-guard by my actions:
Laughing it out in stare.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Vita, quo vadis?

Lost in the highway of life
Meandering, mind blown;
In endless vicious cycles
No exits nor destination known;
I went it up in confusion,
And traced it back all the way down.
But such is life, I learnt it late,
A winding journey of highs and lows;
All you do is drive it when you can,
Or follow in faith the tideful flows.
It's a tricky highway this life,
You cannot stop or creep,
No matter where, you drive on
Or for ever and ever sleep.

Monday, 15 July 2013

The forgotten of Sudan

Deep in the scorching sun,
Under the shadow's of an Antonov plane,
Children cry out for help, in fear
Parents pray, hands out in vain.
Instead of food for starving men,
Bombs from the sky they drop;
Sudden rivers of blood prevail
In exchange for waters of hope.
Humanity knocked down  aground,
Under the scorching desert sun,
The  forgotten plight of humanly souls
Dies away with each bombing run.

Friday, 12 July 2013


The worst form of my life
The ugliest of my surrender,
When life slips by as it does
While I stay a bystander.,
Numbered by years and days,
My limited life span,
Minutes and seconds ticking,
Reverse the hours who can?
No one, you see, life is short,
With each tick of time the end is near,
I shall not let go of it idly by
As much as I do for age and wear.


Those outer shines and looks
Shielding the secretive inner side,
The sweet sounding talks
The unhappy self deep that hide,
Unambiguous eyes that weep
Even an onlooker such as me,
The  frustrated emptiness 
From across and far can see.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Truth versus power

Truth and knowledge, behold,
The world of power dies to own;
 Bearers thereof exiled apiece,
Haunted they live by chase and frown.
When power imposes truth,
For lust and greed for more power,
Not so much for truth's sake,
That ushers in a new era, of downfall,
For the power in hand is at stake.
An empire  of arrogance built on sand,
In  murky, shaky environs of  muddy clay,
When withered away by winds of change,
Imminent, shall it 'stand a rainy day?
An empire built on knowledge,
Truth known for truth's sake,
It doesn't crack or run aflood,
Nor stumble, nor twist nor shake.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Change of change

In times of bad you made it worse,
In times of worse you made it bad,
Is this back to square one again in vain,
Or the change you wished you had?
Is this the change defied by the fool and wise
Divided by little details that be,
Or the culmination of a courageous move
By those the bigger picture who see?


 In the wilderness of the green lush trees, Between the sea and the hills; Mighty Poseidon of the seas - Upon the dazzling beauty of Kerkyra...