Thursday, 31 October 2013

Friends versus foes

True enemies and false friends,
They only differ in style:
One kills with a forced frown,
The other with a fake smile.
If you ask me which of the two,
Skins faster and pains more:
The fake smile leaves a scar,
The forced frown, a sore.

C'est la vie (2)

There are moments in life ,
When things come along to inspire;
And  other times that come and go,
Laden with garbages of desire.
There are times worth savoring
The pleasure of being there,
And times, still, of lows of heart,
And of angst and despair.
The ebbs and flows of life,
That sail seldom without storm,
Those are spoils of luck at best,
Exceptions, and not the norm.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Gone with the wind

No more waste, no less power,
From and to the mighty tower:
Rinse the garbage the rivers,
Across the plains that flow;
And light up the power of hope,
The bags of wind that blow.
Opens  the underground
Up the warmth of its might,
United in power all sing
In the harmony of light!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

I quit! (2)

I bought trouble after another,
For many a night many a year;
But for many a light in many a day,
Now end of the night is near.
Goodbye, old friend, so long,
Our company was none but wrong;
Don't call me back forever again,
I have had enough of pint of pain.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Before my ashes

Ask me if I need some help,
When I am out in the world, alive;
Sick, and weak and poor,
Too mellow and naïve to survive.
Like the human in me proper,
Not the one I might have been,
Always know, of the grassy lawns,
Only the farther  side seems green.
Love what I think and dream,
When alive and strong,
By my side stand, in pain,
When things turn out wrong.
Be the kind human in life
Twinkle in earnest smile,
Then bother not to mourn my ashes,
My flesh would be worthwhile.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Free to dream, to seek to see,
The fruits of the forbidden tree;
But it could be just that: forbidden,
A misty treasure, lost, or hidden.
The idea of the fruit per se,
And, oftentimes, not the pick,
Is what makes the climb to the tree,
Wondrous and worth the seek!


 In the wilderness of the green lush trees, Between the sea and the hills; Mighty Poseidon of the seas - Upon the dazzling beauty of Kerkyra...