Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Your day is done

Your day, like those others 
Which came and is now gone
Is a day that had to be,
 Bitter lost than better won.
It's a day that, alas! has come
But a day we bitterly knew,
Would spare all in life,
Fornever and none anew.

Monday, 26 May 2014

You own the truth?!

So I heard you own the truth?
Flanked by the numbers,
All brainwashed and made blind
You think you have the proprietary handle
On my reason-loaded mind?
But behold, you are the fool
Hidden behind big numbers,
All hallucinating an afterlife,
Today, in eternal slumbers.
You want me want,
You want me wish,
Because you are
A shoal of  fish 
In a fathomless sea 
Swimming in dark,
Fearing a fictitious shark!
Ignorant but consumed by fear
Only believing what you hear;
And I get to swim afloat the tide
In all the glory of light,
And I get to sail with pride
Enjoying all in sight.
So jealousy or blind arrogance?
How is your version a better truth,
Wake up and seize the [last] light,
Your chance to life before you lose.


 In the wilderness of the green lush trees, Between the sea and the hills; Mighty Poseidon of the seas - Upon the dazzling beauty of Kerkyra...