Monday, 25 August 2014

The price of life

Life, the ultimate frontier,
The only one thing 
We don't mind  to bear;
The one thing we owe, 
Ourness, all kind,
The one in every mind.
Day in, day out,
The end of which we fear,
Future, now and past
The one we revere.
Ephemeral but unique
Bitter-sweet and sour,
That some like, some dislike
Some savour, some devour!
'Tis all but life the means
'Tis all but life the end,
What else is for to live
What else is there to mend?
Every good thing comes scarce
And life is the scarcest beast,
Of all those things you took 'granted 
Cross life off your list!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


What is this world but fake,
Who lives it for truth sake?
An end in self or just a means,
What is this truth we revere;
Is it the idea or just the form
We cater to and so much dare
To deem  it real for all that be,
Or t'is a thought worth the care?


 In the wilderness of the green lush trees, Between the sea and the hills; Mighty Poseidon of the seas - Upon the dazzling beauty of Kerkyra...