Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Injuria naturalis

Life is perfect I cannot say
Due little things that abound, 
Like when deep in seventh heaven
And my darling is not around.
Life is perfect for life's sake
But not always fair,
Like when I depart my other self
And all alone in the air.
Nature is fair I cannot say
When 'could have been another way;
With all the time the cosmos be
Why not us long, but die should we?
Nature is perfect I cannot say
Due things I see that bug,
Like when the selfish attack the kind
And sweep them under the rug.
Nature is kind I cannot say
For all it takes, it does not give;
As  if by some tyrannical decree

Some must die for some to live.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Up in the air

Up in the air, packed  in a box,
Cruising  across the skies,
I looked  down at mighty earth
With my fleshy and mortal eyes;
I realized my mortal self,
Hanging in balance in thin air,
But wonedered how little, if,
To our cherished lives we care!

Friday, 7 November 2014


The world could be a better place
If we worked all but as one;
For to those tackles on every's way
None would have lost, all could have won.
Some have the knowledge, some the skills,
Some have the patience and will to succeed;
Some have the money, some the power,
Some the time, some the speed.


 In the wilderness of the green lush trees, Between the sea and the hills; Mighty Poseidon of the seas - Upon the dazzling beauty of Kerkyra...