Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Your not-so-subtle fake smiles,
Your heart-wrenching guiles;
Your kindness, superficial;
Your calculations, all racial.
Egomaniac competitors,
Always ready to devour;
Manipulating all your way,
Through the echelons of power.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

From Khartoum with Love

Dusty big city with untold stories,
Three sprawls under one dome,
Home to miskin people with the kindest hearts,
Living in constant fear and unfreedom;
Side by side with the arrogance of power-
Among hypocrites in an ivory tower!-
O, Khartoum, the melting pot for all,
That calls Sudan a home, I find,
You equally welcome the corrupt soul,
And the beautifulest souls of humankind.
From the "raqshas" in Ummdurman,
To the "sheya beyts" in Bahri,
And the beautiful beaches of mighty Nile,
In Naji's "own country";
From the bureaucracies of Khartoum proper,
To the hearty smiles of friends and kin,
Old and new, in solidarity of hope,
For the distressed and the miskin;
I loved living with you in fears,
And now I bid you "so long!" in tears.


 In the wilderness of the green lush trees, Between the sea and the hills; Mighty Poseidon of the seas - Upon the dazzling beauty of Kerkyra...